POSTED UNDER Earth, Family, Friends, AND MORE

Protection for Hearth and Home

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Jasmine
On this day in ancient Rome, Vesta, the goddess of hearth and fire, was celebrated at Vestalia.
The inner sanctum of her temple was opened for women to offer sacrifices.

Build a fire, in either your fireplace or a cauldron. Then, eat your evening meal beside it, with or without your family and/or friends. Make an incense of rosemary, rose, and violet and throw it into the fire as an offering.

Say aloud:

Blessed Vesta, goddess of the hearth and fire, I ask for your protection. Please partake in this meal, in honor of your shining light. Watch over my home, bring peace to all who enter and banish those who wish me harm. So mote it be!

Throw another handful of the incense into the fire and see your home permeated with white light. Know that you and your home are protected. Interpret the future omens of the flames of the fire.
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