POSTED UNDER Money, Summer, Sun

"To Do" Today

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Frankincense
As summer slides by, it's easy to be lulled into a sense of timelessness. We can forget what we set out to do this season. Sunday, named for the Sun, is associated with ambition, achievement, determination, and inspiration, so it's a good day to revisit our goals.
Harness the radiant Sun's energy to clarify intent, gathering the illumination and inspriation needed to accomplish what you desire. Lie in the Sun with your eyes closed. With brilliant light filtering through your eyelids, turn your focus within to see what needs to be done to fulfill your dreams. Renew your commitment to accomplish what you set out to do.
Illuminated by the Sun, get up and write down what still needs doing. This is your to-do-today list. Get to work, and achieve a few small things. Affirm:

"I have the time, energy, money, and wisdom to accomplish all I desire."
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