A New Pair of Shoes

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Hyssop
Martin Luther King Jr. Day offers a chance to reflect on the challenge of discrimination and the power of social justice in our communities. During your day, pick out someone you see who is unlike you - in background, culture, religion, ethnicity, education, class, or any other category you can think of.
Quietly put yourself in that person's shoes. What would be different from your life? What might be easy for you? Hard? Reflect briefly on what people might assume about you simply by looking at you.
Take what you've learned and act on one small thing you can change that will make life more equitable for others around you. You might suggest a change in a process at work, smile at someone on the street, or help out with a social justice cause. Simple acts can make a big change in the world - a potent kind of magic. Repeat as often as you can.
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