POSTED UNDER Blessing, Prayer

Agathos Daimon: The Good Spirit

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Clove
What if you really believed that you were protected by a guardian angel at all times? Hold on to that thought, at least for today.
Good fortune is ripe for the taking, and you would be wise to offer a libation, preferably at the start of your day, to the spirit that portends abundant blessings. This could be the Greek Agathos Daimon, the Hindu Lakshmi, or the Roman Fortuna.
Pour wine and offer prayers in thanksgiving to the Good Spirit for what you have and that which you will receive. If you wish to get a special boon, then make your libation three times, placing a coin so that it is washed over with the liquid. Then take the coin, saying:

"Good Spirit of mine, I place in you my trust."

Keep the coin on your person and allow magic to unfold throughout the day.
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