Succulent, Sweet Life

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Cypress
Today, the French celebrate the Feast of Saint Honore, the patron saint of pastry chefs and bakers. Imagine processions of white clad French bakers carrying Saint Honore cakes and enormous trays of croissants, pain au levain, brioches, and other treats.
The best kind of celebration is one that reminds us to embrace the sweetness of life, so make today delicious. At lunchtime (when many of us have a break from work), find a bakery, coffee shop, or cafe with a selection of baked treats. Get a decadent one in a box or bag. Outside, walk smiling through the streets holding your treat reverentially.
Smile at people who meet your eye, and say:

"Life is sweet."

Sit down (in the sun, if it is out) and carefully unwrap your treat, anticipate it, and bless it in advance. Salivate. As you take that first bite, know how succulently sweet is this life.
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