Debt Repayment

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Rose
Does someone owe you money?
This spell brings payment on a past-due debt.
Using play money or a check, place the amount owed to you in the center of your altar, saying:

"Money, money, come back to me."

Take black tea and create a circle around the money, starting in the east and going clockwise, repeating the words of the spell as you do.
Light a green candle at each quarter, starting at the east, saying the words of the spell.
When you return to the east, say:

"Money, money, you have come back
to me!"

Let the candles burn all the way out.
Leave a pinch of the tea on the doorstep of the person who owes you money. Or mail a friendly note reminding the person of the debt.
Include the pinch of tea in the envelope.
Keep the money on your altar until the debt is repaid.
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About Deborah Lipp
Deborah Lipp has been teaching Wicca, magic, and the occult for over thirty years. She became a Witch and High Priestess in the 1980s as an initiate of the Gardnerian tradition of Wicca. She's been published in many Pagan publications, including newWitch, Llewellyn's Magical Almanac, PanGaia, and ...
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