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Drawing to Yourself

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Thyme
Friday is a good day to draw the universe to your doorstep. There are many spells that can be done using powders and foods to draw fortune to your doorstep-especially money spells.
Honey is a classic drawing item. It is used in love spells to "stick" two people together, and is kept on business altars to draw customers and business.
Money-drawing powder can be cornmeal and/or sugar, and is sprinkled on the ground outside a business to attract customers.
To draw money to yourself, carry a piece of malachite in your pocket, and for fast money, add a piece of cinnamon stick. Mistletoe at this time of year is not just for kissing; it also draws prosperity to the home.
Finally, an old favorite: a moneydrawing sigil-$$ΒΆΒΆ$$-to place on business cards, invoices, and abundance checks.
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