Filled with Love and Light

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Yarrow
For this spell, assemble:

777 small beeswax candles, for the goddess Venus (yes, 777!)
One fluid ounce essential rose oil in jojoba
1/4 cup raw honey
One cup honey mead

Sit in a central location of your home. Anoint the wick of a candle with honey. As you do so, say:

"Bees that bumble, bustle, and buzz, beget the nectar of the Gods Divine."

Next, massage rose oil into the wax, and call flirtatiously to Venus:

"Lady blessed, of love's design, unfold your flower of light throughout space and time."

Charge each candle with your own feelings of universal love. This spell will only yield its results if you take the time to bless each candle individually and then light it immediately; place it somewhere safely in the room.
Take a moment to envision the light of the flame penetrating the very essence of your cellular and spiritual bodies simultaneously, as it illuminates everything around you. As you finish one candle, move quickly on to the next.
When all the candles are lit, express your prayers to the goddess of all love and light clearly and concisely.(Be sure to take any necessary safety precautions when lighting so many candles.) Soak up the divine light of the creating mother of the universe. Allow the radiant beauty of the goddess to fill your being.
When you are ready, snuff out the candles by pinching the wick between two fingers wetted with honey mead. Then give away each and every candle throughout the day as an act of devotion to the goddess of selfless love.
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