POSTED UNDER Air, Business, Family

A Dirty Little Secret Spell

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Clary sage
It happens now and then. You learn about somebody's dirty little secret. So let's say you find out that nice man across the street-the perfect family man-is having an affair, which explains all those "business" trips to Des Moines. What do you do? You could blab it all over the block and become known as the neighborhood gossip. Or you could perform this spell. Let's go for the spell.
You'll need paper, pen, soil, and a jar with a lid. First write the secret on the paper without using names. Fold the paper and place in the jar. Now fill the jar with soil and screw on the lid. Bury the jar away from your property and say:

The dirty secret I hold
Shall never be told.
I will never utter a sound.
Let it lie buried in the ground.
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