Getting Divine Help During a Mercury Retrograde

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
Several times a year, the planet Mercury seems to be moving backward in the sky. This is called Mercury retrograde. While other planets also move retrograde, Mercury seems to be the most troublesome. Things break down. People lose their tempers and make ridiculous mistakes. Murphy's law-"if anything can go wrong, it will"-takes over. When Mercury is retrograde, we are warned not to sign contracts and to think before we speak.

During a Mercury retrograde, speak to the god himself:

"Great Mercury, even though you are walking backward right now, please remember that we mortals do better when going forward. Lend me your winged hat, which I will wear as a thinking cap that will straighten my thoughts and ideas and keep me from doing stupid things. Keep me safe until you go forward."

Or, more directly (so to speak):

"Tricky planet, go direct right now! Pesky Murphy, go away, don't bow!"
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