Rooting Your Altar

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
After you set up your altar, you may like to activate it as your magical working place. This is a spell to do that by rooting your altar in its new place.

Light the candles on your altar and some incense. I recommend using equal parts of rose, frankincense, myrrh, and dragon's blood for a loose incense. Ground, center, and align.

Focus first on the flames, and with your breath and awareness, see those flames encircling the altar and igniting magic there. Then bring your attention to the smoke and see and feel it encircling the altar and clearing any unwanted forces. Finally, hold the legs or the base of the altar and focus on perceiving strong and vital vines sprouting and sinking down into the earth beneath your home. You will feel when this is complete. So mote it be.
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About Gede Parma
Gede Parma (Fio Aengus) is a Balinese-Australian witch, international teacher, magical mentor, author, and initiate. Gede (they/them pronouns) cherishes the initiatory mysteries of four powerful witchcraft traditions, and is a co-founder of the Coven of the Wildwood and midwife and initiate of ...
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