Get Organized

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Marigold
Remember the saying "New year, new you"? With or without set New Year's resolutions, take time to learn an organizing technique to support greater productivity and success in the year ahead. Why not set up a "bullet journal," a simple system that can help to magically transform your work habits, using an old-school analog system.

Find a notebook you like (either with or without lines). Sit quietly with it held close to your heart, and hear your heart's desires. Envision accomplishing those things you've dreamed about, supported by an easy yet effective planning tool. Go to /bullet-journal-reference-guide for a free guide to setting up your own brilliant, affordable organizing system. In an hour you can read the quick guide, set up your own amazing tool for success, and jump in. Hold your new bullet journal to your heart and say:

"Supported and blessed, I hold
the key to continued success."
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