Banish Negative Labels Spell

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
We've all experienced, at some time in our lives, the disappointment and anger of having someone try to tell us who we are. We might be called "lazy" by Mom or Dad, "stupid" by people at school, "overly sensitive" by former partners, or something even worse.

With the waning moon, the energies of holding on and letting go are highlighted, so take some old scrap paper (because labels are never worth our nice paper!) and write out as many erroneous labels as you can think of. Pin or tape the labels to yourself, then light a dark blue candle next to a fireproof dish. Pull the labels off, one by one. Read them aloud and banish them, saying I am NOT _____! as you burn the paper. Then, on nice paper, write down all the things you like about yourself. Whenever your thoughts turn to those old labels, replace them with the new affirmations of self-love, and be blessed.
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About Thuri Calafia
Thuri Calafia (Portland, OR) is an ordained Wiccan minister and High Priestess who has been teaching the Wiccan path for over thirty years. The founder of the Circles system and the Circles School of Witchcraft and Wicca, she is actively involved in her local community and teaches workshops, ...
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