A Spell for Insomnia

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Carnation
If you have had a particularly difficult time falling asleep or staying asleep recently, consider doing some spellcraft to aid the situation.

Before bed, try meditating for a full ten minutes in total silence by sitting up in your bed and clearing your mind to the best of your ability. Count your breaths. As you do this, burn a violet/purple candle that has been anointed with pure lavender essential oil. You may also wish to inscribe the candle with little images of closed eyes and ZZZs. Extinguish the candle before lying down for slumber.

In addition to this candle magick, you may wish to stitch your own lavender-stuffed sleepy time pillow or stuffed animal to sleep with. Finally, if your insomnia is ongoing, consider speaking with a sleep specialist or trying some natural short-term remedies for restfulness, such as tryptophan or melatonin. If you are taking any other medications, be sure to do some research (or check with your doctor) to ensure that nothing will negatively interact.
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About Raven Digitalis
Raven Digitalis (Hawaii/Montana) is the author of The Empath's Oracle, The Everyday Empath, Esoteric Empathy, Shadow Magick Compendium, Planetary Spells & Rituals and Goth Craft. Originally trained in Georgian Witchcraft, Raven has been an earth-based practitioner since 1999, a Priest since ...
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