POSTED UNDER Healing, Passion, Water

Communicate with an Undine

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Heliotrope

This spell will assist you in contacting an undine: a water elemental. Typically, these beings provide emotional healing, the ability to delve deep into our subconscious, and a general feeling of emotional renewal. Invoke them when you feel depressed or lacking in passion.

For this spell you will need a blue candle in a holder and a glass of water.

Face the west, or the direction your tradition associates with the water element. Ground and center. Place the candle on your altar, with the glass of water in front of it. Enter a trance and gaze through the water so that you can see the light of the candle through it. Call to the undines—the conscious beings of water—to appear before you:

Creatures of the flowing water,
Reveal here to me your form.

Look into the water with the Witch’s eye: your inner sight. Allow the undines to reveal themselves to you. Once they have, you may commune with them as you wish.

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About Storm Faerywolf
Storm Faerywolf is a published author, experienced teacher, visionary poet, and professional warlock. He is a regular contributor to Modern Witch and is a founding teacher of Black Rose, an online school of modern folkloric witchcraft. He has written several books, including Betwixt and Between, ...
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