A Spell for the Mighty Dead

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Pine

January 4 is the birthday of Doreen Valiente, the mother of Modern Witchcraft and one of Witchcraft’s Mighty Dead. This spell serves as an invitation to the Mighty Dead to be a part of your rituals and to assist you in your magickal workings.

Carve the name of the individual you are honoring on a candle, or simply place a picture of that person under the candle before lighting it. Once the candle is set up in a holder on your altar, read something written by the soul you are honoring that has inspired you over the years. Light your candle and say:

May this light guide you
to my sacred space,
And let my invitation be
one that you embrace!
Join me in my rights with
magick and mystery,
Knowing that forever
welcome you will be!

Let the candle burn out, then thank the Mighty Dead for visiting.

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About Ari Mankey
Ari Mankey has been practicing Witchcraft and creating spells for over twenty years. With her husband, Jason, she runs two covens in the San Francisco Bay Area.   ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=7687