A Spell to Quiet the Mind

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Neroli

Mercury recently entered the sign of Aries, heightening our intuition and encouraging us to bring forth our inner truth and share it with the world. Cast this spell to quiet the mind and bring focus to your thoughts so you can find that inner truth.

Sit comfortably and focus on your breath for a few minutes, relaxing the body and opening the mind. Visualize the symbol of Aries (a) made of light-blue liquid fire, hovering above your head, and say:

Aries blue and liquid fire, balance
of thought is my desire.

Take three deep breaths and visualize the symbol descending into your third eye, where it is absorbed. Repeat as necessary.

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Devin Hunter is the bestselling author of The Witch's Book of Power, The Witch's Book of Spirits, The Witch's Book of Mysteries, the critically acclaimed Modern Witch, and Crystal Magic for the Modern Witch. Initiated into multiple occult orders, Devin is the founder ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=7787