POSTED UNDER Bath, Rain, Water

Imbolc Cleansing

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Rosemary

Imbolc is a time of renewal, so run the bathwater and plan for a cleanse. You’ll need a tub of hot water, a handful of salt (Epsom, sea, or table salt will do), a scented moisturizer, and candles and incense as desired.

Run the bath. Safely light the candles and incense. Strip off your clothes, and be conscious of what you want to strip away. Perhaps you have a bad habit you want to shed, negative thoughts you want to release, or people you want to leave behind. As the clothes fall to the floor, say:

I am done with this.

Step into the bath. Immerse yourself and soak. Use the salt to scrub from the soles of your feet to the palms of your hands. Salt exfoliates and draws out impurities and negativity.

Rinse yourself with cool water. Drain the tub and watch all the negativity drain away. Anoint yourself with moisturizer. Affirm:

I am cleansed and purified.

Extinguish the candles and incense.

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