Year of the Ox

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Alder

Today is Lunar New Year! In Chinese astrology, it is the year of the Ox. The Chinese consider the Ox to be hardworking, reliable, and intelligent. Perhaps you’d like to take hold of the auspicious energies of this day and channel them into beginning a project you have been thinking about embarking upon. Find an image online of an Ox that you can print and place on your altar, and light a candle before it. Meditate on the qualities of the Ox, and recite an intention similar to the following:

Lunar power glowing bright,
This is the year of the Ox’s might!
Earthy and honest, reliable and keen,
May great progress on
my venture be seen!

Let the candle burn down safely in an appropriate holder. While it burns, take steps to begin your project. Keep the picture of the Ox to remind you of your goals and to help you remain steady in your efforts.

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