POSTED UNDER Autumn, Cat, Halloween, AND MORE

Flowers for the Dead

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg

October, how we love you! Blessed be the season of the Witch. As you likely know, Samhain is a time of honoring the ancestors, of banishing, releasing, divining, and communicating with the Otherworld.

As we begin to decorate our homes for Halloween, we also begin to set the altar. Common autumnal altar decor includes gourds, fallen leaves, pomegranates, veils, bones, and photos of our dearly departed.

Whether ancestral by blood or spirit, the deceased are with us always. This is the best time of the month to make an offering of flowers. Offer roses or whatever feels right, and place them in a vase without water so that they will be dead by Samhain. By the light of a single black candle, declare:

Mighty Ancestors, hear me now; the
veil grows thin, we lift the shroud.
Accept this offering of flowers bright;
you are loved, in darkness and light.

Extinguish the candle.

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About Raven Digitalis
Raven Digitalis (Hawaii/Montana) is the author of The Empath's Oracle, The Everyday Empath, Esoteric Empathy, Shadow Magick Compendium, Planetary Spells & Rituals and Goth Craft. Originally trained in Georgian Witchcraft, Raven has been an earth-based practitioner since 1999, a Priest since ...
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