Self-Love Potion

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Heliotrope

We all deserve self-love. Generate true self-appreciation with this magical potion. You will need:

  • 7 drops rose essential oil
  • 7 drops geranium essential oil
  • 7 drops amber oil
  • 1 cup rose water
  • 7 small rose quartz stones
  • An 8-ounce spray bottle

Combine all of the ingredients into the spray bottle and decorate it with your name and the symbol for Venus. Activate the potion by shaking the bottle and seeking to love yourself. Spray the air, and anoint the mirrors and windows of your home with the symbol for Venus. Envision the many ways that you are free to love and celebrate yourself. If you follow your intuition, this potion will revive your ability to see the best in yourself and others, drawing self-compassion into your life.

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