
Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Heliotrope

As the beginning of Holy Week in the Christian tradition, Palm Sunday commemorates Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem. Palm branches, seen as symbols of victory and triumph, were laid before him.

We all have complicated lives. We work, play, socialize, create, and enjoy recreation. But how often do we stop and take stock of our victories?

Today, take time to reflect: What have you overcome? Where is your victory? How do you triumph?

It may be something small and seemingly simple, like finally winning in Scrabble against your Great-Aunt Minnie, or something life-changing, like overcoming your fear of walking alone at night. Often, our greatest victories are over things that others don’t know about and can’t see— things that we hold internally, like old wounds, trauma, and fears.

Today, name some of your victories, great or small. Know that Palm Sunday commemorates triumph and victory, and claim your holy celebration.

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