
Free Tarot Reading - Results

Selected Deck:  The Llewellyn Tarot   (about this deck)
Selected Layout:  Celtic Cross
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Your Tarot Reading
About the Cards in Your Reading
Eight of Cups
In the Cover position
Eight of Cups
Indicates the querent in relationship to the present situation.

Meaning: Turning away. Giving up. Finding that something or someone was not a healthy influence. River run dry. Choosing to sacrifice in order to make a clean break and start afresh elsewhere. Abandoning a dream. Changing directions. The dawn of something new. A quest with heart. Bravery. Heeding the call.

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The Lovers
In the Cross position
The Lovers
Represents the positive forces or assets in the querent's favor. If this card should happen to be a negative card, it indicates the nature of an obstacles that is hindering progress. (The card in this position is always interpreted in its upright manner.)

Meaning: Union of opposites. The promise or potential for love and romance. Partnership. Attraction, chemistry, lust. Magnetism. Harmony. Play. Joy. Humour. Romantic interlude or amorous encounter. Restless imagination. The crystallizing, projecting process of "blind love." High hopes. Flare of desire. Friendship, admiration, and affection. Communion. Sharing. On a deeper level it can represent transformational power of love. Inspiring feats to attain or secure love. Being made brave by love. Conviction and commitment. The mystic bond of familiar spirits. Mutual understanding. Fusion and energy. A pact. Symptoms of love: anxiety, vulnerability, short attention span. Being made useless by love. Poetry, daydreams, music. Expanding experience. Loss of the rational. Gratitude. Can represent a choice between what is desired and what is acceptable. Assessment. If a decision is involved, indicates happy outcome after struggles.

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Seven of Pentacles
In the Beneath position
Seven of Pentacles
Represents the preoccupation of the subconscious which filters into waking life, affecting moods and outlook. This is the underlying theme of dreams and the emotional undercurrent in the querent's life.

Meaning: Bounty comes of patience and ingenuity. The fair and just treatment of others. Growth in personal and business life. Feeling of well-being. Satisfaction in work. Profit. A card of goodwill. The repaying of past kindness. Stability and steady progress. Reaping what has been sowed.

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The Star
In the Crown position
The Star
Can be viewed as a message from the "higher self." It can also reflect the querent's potential aspirations.

Meaning: Hope. Inspiration. Guiding star. Moment of grace and peace. Freedom. Early signs of life taking on a new pattern. Freedom after trials. Chance for escape. First sign of dawn. Release. Self-reliance. Clever, inspired ideas. Listening for direction. A quickening. Salvation. Empowerment. Destiny. A time of farseeing. Taking steps to save one's self‹not giving into resignation. Enlightened idea. Planning. Thaw of the ice. Return of life force. Rejuvenation. Drawing strength from nature.

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Four of Swords - Reversed
In the Behind position
Four of Swords - Reversed
Represents past events and influences that color and give rise to the current situation.

Meaning: Prison. Excessively strict environment. Exile and depression. Abandonment. Exhaustion caused by battling overwhelming odds over an extended time. Fruitless struggle.

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Seven of Swords
In the Before position
Seven of Swords
Represents what is likely to happen next.

Meaning: Resignation. Acceptance. Limited success. Releasing of the old renews the spirit. Rejecting outside expectations for an individually fashioned lifestyle. End of an ordeal. Negotiations. Independent thinking. Confidence. Release from the grip of material questing for higher pursuits.

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Eight of Pentacles
In the Self position
Eight of Pentacles
Indicates the querent's psychological state and attitudes which can greatly affect the outcome of the matter.

Meaning: Employment. Commissions. Schedules and deadlines. Focus. Creative work. Skills and talents put to good use. Knowledge and experience. A large project or business running as a welloiled machine. Maturity of business. Accommodation. Achievement. Success. Income. Finding one¹s niche in life.

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Three of Pentacles
In the House position
Three of Pentacles
Represents the querent's environment and unseen forces influencing the situation.

Meaning: Skill. Craft. Making use of talents. Marketable skill or idea. An inherent ability that is a great asset of more than mere monetary value. Being able to take interest and pride in humble work. Finding comfort and peace in one's work. Steady, sure progress. Earning a reputation for quality, though not recognizing your own worth. Maturity and pleasant work environment.

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Nine of Swords - Reversed
In the Hopes position
Nine of Swords - Reversed
Indicates the hopes and fears of the querent.

Meaning: Shame. An imposter. A state of denial. Unrequited love. Cruel gossip.

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In the Outcome position
Indicates the outcome of the matter.

Meaning: Deliberating. Search for truth and justice. Weighing an issue or situation. Striving for balance and equilibrium. Remaining impartial or centered, and so capable of fair judgment. Insight. Honesty and honour. Discriminating logic. The value of order. The triumph of reason. Appropriate response. Karma. Law of cause and effect. Negotiating. Equal partnerships. Legal affairs. Favourable judgment in legal matters. Selfgovernment. Having the inner strength and confidence not to be swayed by the opinions of others. Internal balance achieved by being temporarily unattached to an outcome. Having the patience to allow Justice time to determine Her course. Having the courage, strength, and conviction to uphold and implement justice. Taking the right action, even if unpopular or costly. The card can relate to civil justice or the concept of divine justice.

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About the Deck
The Llewellyn Tarot
By: Anna-Marie Ferguson

From the creator of the popular Legend: The Arthurian Tarot Kit, this lavishly illustrated deck offers universal appeal (based on Rider-Waite) with a Welsh twist.

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