Free Tarot Reading - Results

Selected Deck:  Witches Tarot   (about this deck)
Selected Layout:  Finding Animal Helpers
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Your Tarot Reading
Five of WandsJusticeFour of CupsSix of PentaclesThe Lovers
The High PriestKarmaAce of CupsThree of PentaclesThe Moon
About the Cards in Your Reading
Five of Wands
In the Healing position
Five of Wands
Primary healing helpers.

Meaning: When the Five of Wands soars into your reading, it shows that minor annoyances and petty arguments need to be dealt with. There are different opinions all wanting to be heard. This card symbolizes bickering between coven mates, friends, or coworkers. This card tells you that challenges are ahead and that you will need to be very clear in communicating your goals and desires to another. There may be petty troubles at your job or a little healthy competition. Put your game face on and put some effort into your problem solving, and you will see positive results.

Keywords: Competition, conflict, disagreements, challenges. Petty squabbling at work or within the coven. Put some effort into your problem solving to see positive results.

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In the Material position
Primary material helpers.

Meaning: When the Justice card appears in a reading, you need to ask yourself what is out of balance and what sort of justice you are looking for. What is it that seems so unfair in your life? What actions of yours have brought you to this point? This card can represent legal matters and a possible court case. It can also symbolize a restoration of balance. It indicates that fair play, honesty, harmony, and balance are coming. Situations will work themselves out. Trust and leave the dispensing of this justice in the hands of the gods.

Keywords: Justice, legal matters, fair outcome to a court case. Cause and effect. Allowing the gods to take care of the outcome. Honesty, equilibrium, integrity, and equality.

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Four of Cups
In the Protection position
Four of Cups
Primary protection helpers.

Meaning: This card illustrates boredom and feeling stuck in a rut or dissatisfied with your life. However, adventure, change, and assistance are being presented to you-you just need to open up your eyes to discover and perceive those new, enchanting possibilities. Help is coming from an unexpected place. Snap out of it! Be thankful for the blessings in your life and reevaluate where you currently stand.

Keywords: Snap out of the funk you are in! Change, adventure, and opportunity await you. Quit moping and do something positive. Assistance is coming from an unexpected place.

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Six of Pentacles
In the Talents position
Six of Pentacles
Primary talents helpers.

Meaning: This is a card of generosity and of gifts received. The gift is something of value-not necessarily money. The gift may be lending someone a helping hand, your time, or your attention, or even sharing your talents. Classically this is a card of assistance and donations to a worthy cause. This "gift" may be monetary or it could be emotional support, a volunteer opportunity, or a way to give back to the community. Another meaning is gladly paying a karmic debt. This card also turns up when a scholarship is on the horizon. Abundant, positive, and prosperous energy is flowing freely at this time. Its an opportune moment for prosperity magick.

Keywords: Giving and receiving. Generosity. Freely giving of your time and talents. Volunteering or giving back to the community. Charity, scholarships, payment of a karmic debt. Prosperity energy is flowing at this time.

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The Lovers
In the Spiritual position
The Lovers
Primary spiritual helpers.

Meaning: The Lovers is a card of relationships and choice. This card illustrates the power of love, desire, destiny, romance, and attraction. It celebrates challenges overcome so that two lovers can be together. The angel in this Major Arcana card may be thought of as a matchmaker, but she may also be a protective force for the couple. The angel is a symbol of destiny. She is there to show us how every choice we make can affect our future. The angel reminds us to choose wisely.

Keywords: Sexual love, beauty, a romantic relationship. Decisions, commitment. Choices to be made. The choice you make now will affect your future. Love heals.

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The High Priest
In the Healing position
The High Priest
Secondary healing helpers.

Meaning: When this card appears in a reading, it means that there are questions that need answering and advice to be sought. Classically this card denotes a need for legal advice or counseling. It may also indicate a course of study or furthering your education or the need to settle disputes in a coven. But remember that the High Priest is the wise and patient counselor, an elder, and a teacher. He does not give you all the answers to your questions; instead, he helps you figure out where to look to find your own truths. He places in your hands the keys to unlock the mysteries and to gain deeper knowledge, then trusts that you will find the answers yourself, using the lessons he has so carefully taught you.

Keywords: Possible legal matters to attend to. Counseling, settling disputes in a coven, upholding tradition, preserving magickal wisdom. Understanding the mysteries of the Craft, furthering your education, uncovering your personal truths.

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In the Material position
Secondary material helpers.

Meaning: The Karma card shows us that cycles and change have to be respected and that everything happens for a reason. Honor the changes in your life and grow with them. There are spiritual forces at work. It is time for you to make an important decision. Your destiny will be shaped by the choices you make today; keep in mind that the karma to follow will be of your own making. So be aware of both your actions and your magick on a spiritual level. Karma always has its way. Work consciously to create a positive transformation.

Keywords: Making a positive change for your future reality. Renewal, deeper spiritual and magickal awareness, karma and destiny. Reflection on past events. Results of your past actions.

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Ace of Cups
In the Protection position
Ace of Cups
Secondary protection helpers.

Meaning: The Ace of Cups is the most potent and pure form of the feminine element of water. When the Ace of Cups appears in a reading, it proclaims birth, growth, love, and clairvoyance. This card often appears when a pregnancy is about to be announced or confirmed. However, there is more to the Ace of Cups than just physical birth. It does symbolize a wedding, a happy marriage, a healthy relationship, and a loving family. It may also be a symbol for emotional growth and healing. Remember, too, that the element of water is associated with psychic powers, creativity, imagination, and spiritual and emotional fulfillment. Gaze into the surface of that overflowing silver cup ... what new, enchanting things are about to be birthed into your world?

Keywords: Births, weddings, happy news and celebrations. Romance and relationships. An emotional beginning. Psychic powers, creativity, and healing. The element of water.

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Three of Pentacles
In the Talents position
Three of Pentacles
Secondary talents helpers.

Meaning: When the Three of Pentacles turns up in a reading, it is a notice that success will be attained through focus and hard work. This is a positive card of progress-one that reminds you that your creative talents should be put to good use. These talents will bring you success and help to supplement your income if you wish. This is the card of self-employment, and it is an apprenticeship card (hence the card's "sorcerer's apprentice" theme). The actual apprenticeship may be a chance to learn a new career skill, or you may have an opportunity to enter a job training program. The Three of Pentacles can also represent a magickal apprenticeship. You may begin a new course of magickal study or perhaps are working towards a new degree in your coven. Your hard work will be noticed and appreciated by others. Now is the time to perfect your craft.

Keywords: Hard work, employment, progress. Success through dedication. Creatively using your talents. Magickal apprenticeship and achievement.

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The Moon
In the Spiritual position
The Moon
Secondary spiritual helpers.

Meaning: This is the card of the Crone Goddess, waning moon magick, intuition, and illusions. It may also represent a development of psychic powers. When this card appears in a reading, it reveals that people and situations are not always as they appear. The moonlight can be deceptive. What looks one way during the day may appear completely different under the shifting light of the moon. You need to look carefully at what you think you see. Call on your guides, totems, and Hecate to see past the fog and to recognize the truth. Use your psychic gifts and trust your intuition. Work magick with Hecate now to see through any illusions and for the gifts of foresight, wisdom, and protection.

Keywords: The Crone aspect of the Goddess. Waning moon magick. Protection magick. Seeing through what others would keep hidden. Intuition and the development of psychic powers. Wisdom gained through years of life experiences.

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About the Deck
Witches Tarot
By: Ellen Dugan, Mark Evans

Award-winning author Ellen Dugan, a highly respected Witch and tarot reader, and award-winning artist Mark Evans have created the perfect deck for all devotees of the Craft. Positively radiating witchy energy, this easy-to-use tarot showcases beautiful and evocative digital artwork. Echoing the traditional Rider-Waite structure, each card includes instantly recognizable Pagan symbols that resonate with today's Witch. In addition to card descriptions and meanings, Dugan's companion guide features seven unique, spell-enhancing spreads for both tarot readings and magickal practice.

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