Tarot of the Hidden Realm is an exciting deck by artist Julia Jeffrey and is scheduled to be released next fall. The images are so lovely, I cannot resist sharing them. I am finding them so inspiring, as I write the companion book.

4 of Swords

Thoughts tangled in her mind binding her in confusion and distress. Her muscles tighten. Then, she slowly exhales a prayer. In a moment, she looks up, sensing an answer. The veil of trouble echoes in her eyes, but with each flutter of ethereal wing it grows lighter. Soon it will pass away and she will see more clearly. Like gifts from the heavens, the light blue wings bring peace. The almost imperceptible whispers of air kiss her skin showering her with cleansing and clarity.

The stability of the four creates a quiet resting place for her turbulent imaginings. In this quiet moment, she can reflect.  She can remember that, like the ivy in her hair, that she is determined and strong; no matter the damage, she will heal, grow, and flourish. She reaches up to touch the strong, shiny leaves and feels a butterfly light on her finger. The sadness that filled her recedes and a smile begins to curve her lips. Thoughts that seemed disjointed slowly reconnect. She can see solutions to problems that seemed insurmountable. The smile moves from her mouth to her eyes as she thanks the butterflies for their gifts.

Divinatory meaning

When troubles abound, when problems seem unsolvable, when you don’t know what to do, doing nothing is a wise option. Analysis is a reasonable approach to any troubling situation. However, when your mind is too busy, when it has made a muddle of thoughts like a cat playing with a ball of yarn, continuing to think will only make the knots tighter. Stop. Breathe. Quiet your mind. Stop talking. Stop doing. Reflect. Invite Divine peace and inspiration.


Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...