I confess, I loathe sun sign talk.

Let me explain. I cannot stand the flip explanations people give for why one acts a certain way based on one’s sun sign. ‘O she’s a Gemini, she ‘s talkative, bright, and witty!’ ‘That Scorpio, he’s secretive, complex, and intense.’  ‘Geminis and Scorpios could never make good life partners!’ Now, to some extent, these descriptions can be true. However, complicated humans cannot be so simply described. The sun sign is a teeny tiny aspect of your personality.

First, you really need to take another look at what the sign your sun is in truly means. Your sun sign is not the instinctive part of your personality. It is the part you are trying to become. It is what you need to strive towards and grow into in order to have a healthy personality and find a place in the world. The sun sign will also be how you see the father image.

Second, the house your sun is in is the area of life that you need to make your mark. Based on what house your sun is in, you can know which activities in life to participate in and distinguish yourself. Sometimes these areas can be a struggle, as we learn to show our true personality. This house will give us clues to what our vocation is, as well. Issues with the father can show up in this house.

Third, any planets  in aspect to your sun, whether positive or challenging, will represent the energies you need to incorporate into your self. You must incorporate these energies in order to fully grow into your sun sign. Remember, too, that these energies can show up in other people you have contact with, and patterns of relationships must be taken into account when dealing with your sun sign. We must integrate all of the complexities to become the full human beings we are meant to be.

So, please, don’t ask me my sign. As a Gemini, I’m sure I’ll tell you. But it’s really much more complicated than that…

Written by Brandi Palechek
Internet marketing consulting covering all aspects of online marketing including strategic planning, social media marketing, email marketing, SEM / SEO, and pay per click program management. ...