Do you ever do readings that feel different from your usual readings? You know, when everything flows together and there is a kind of divine brilliance? Answers and insights you couldn’t imagine coming from your mouth just spill out, almost as if you were channeling some super-wise being? I’ve had a few of those…and with a little focus, I might be able to have more.

At the Readers Studio 2009, Geraldine Amaral spoke about psychic abilities and intuition. She did differentiate between the two, but there is much debate about that divide and that debate is not the focus of today’s entry. For our purposes we’ll use the term “psychic” to mean information gained from tuning into vibrations surrounding the situation, in this case the querent and their question. Most readers agree that intuitive insights and/or psychic information play a role in tarot readings.

I thought the discussion of different types of psychic ability and their connection to chakras a very interesting part of Geraldine’s workshop. When the corresponding chakra was stimulated, it was an indication of the type of ability in play.

At one point, Geraldine had us work with a partner. One acted as the questioner and the other answered. There was only one question, repeated again and again until Geraldine said to stop. The person answering had to give a different answer each time. The question was: how do you know that you know? We were to keep our answers in mind as we discussed the different types of psychic abilities.

Clairvoyance, the ability to visualize and see images, is related to the sixth chakra, also known as the third eye.

Clairaudience, the ability to hear messages, is related to the fifth chakra, also known as the throat chakra.

Clairsentience, the ability to sense vibes and feel emotions via physical reactions, is related to the second chakra, also known as the sacral chakra.

I’ve always bemoaned my lack apparent lack of any of these abilities. I’ve never had strong experiences with any of them. But then Geraldine talked about one that was new to me—claircognizance.

Claircognizance, the ability to know, is related to the seventh chakra, also known as the crown chakra.

My answers to the question “how do you know that you know?” included feelings of certainty and, more interestingly, that the knowledge came into my mind from a tingling area at the top of my head toward the back.

I always wondered where those moments of brilliance came from. I always worried that perhaps I was pulling them from another part of my body not necessarily associated with a chakra. Now that I know how I know, I can focus on that ability, strengthen it, and improve my readings.

How do you know that you know?

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...