Because tarot is my job (as well as one of my passions), it plays a huge role in my daily life. Almost every day I’m thinking about, using, and writing about tarot: writing blog entries, articles, or reviews, analyzing projects for possible publication, reading forums and blogs, working on my own books, planning conferences and retreats, and working with the cards in my personal practice.

It is normal for me to pull a card for advice before going into a meeting. I use the cards in my journaling. I do readings about situations when I need help. I continually study to increase my knowledge. I lose myself in the beauty of the art. I collect original art or prints to hang in my office. I think of characters and plots in books and movies in terms of tarot. I use them in meditation and magic. I couldn’t imagine my life without tarot.

And sometimes I forget that not everyone is as immersed in this world as I am. How do other people (I am tempted say “normal people”) use tarot? What role does it play in their lives? Do you carry a deck in your purse or bag? Do you have one on your desk, coffee table, or nightstand? Do you use them only when facing large issues or do you play with them often?

Llewellyn (and by extension, I) want to provide you with the tools you want to make your lives better. I think we can do that more effectively if we knew more about how you use your cards. Share your thoughts. It’ll help me do a better job and, in the long run, be of some benefit you as well.

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...