Whether you’re a homebody or you’re out in the parks throwing a festive party for Mother Earth today, we have plenty of magical ideas for you on how to celebrate Earth Day this year.

Photo by Camshafter

Photo by Camshafter

I’ve been so busy reading new manuscripts (including new, top-secret upcoming books from Kenny Klein and Christopher Penczak) that Earth Day snuck up on me this year, but the links above are evergreen. I do have one small insight to share with you this Earth Day – remember that besides all the lovely flowers, herbs and trees, the magnificent animals and fishes and creatures of our planet, the glorious landscape, flora and fauna that we strive to protect – that we humans are part of this wonderful Earth as well. Try to be nice to your fellow humans today – no, beyond nice. Try to treat them with the same love, care and respect that you wish you could shower upon the Earth herself.

Photo by Aussiegall

Photo by Aussiegall

Written by Elysia
Elysia is the Senior Acquisitions Editor for Witchcraft, Wicca, Pagan, and magickal books at Llewellyn. She has been with Llewellyn since 2005 and a fan for much longer. ...