You can hear me live, this Friday, July 16, from anywhere in the world. I’ll be live from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the new internet program, Occultist Radio.

You can discover more about this program at

I can tell you that Occultist Radio is operated by Jymie Darling and Vicky Adams, owners of Panpipes Magickal Marketplace, the oldest occult store in the U.S. It is currently located Cahuenga Blvd., just down the street from Hollywood Blvd. in the heart of Hollywood. I’m very honored to consider Jymie and Vicky my friends.

Although they’ve only been podcasting for a short time, they have archives of past shows you can download at THIS LINK. If you miss the show my interview should be available there, too.

The show is broadcast live every friday evening from 7–9 p.m., Pacific Time. It’s available at:

They also have a chatroom that interacts with the show, so please log on and ask questions or just say hello!

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Sunday, Sept 26

Los Angeles/Orange County Pagan Pride Day

Whittier Narrows Regional Park, El Monte, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Every year this event gets better and better! It remains a free event, but please bring a donation of a non-perishable food, such as something that is canned. Over the past decade, the LA PPD event has grown from 4 booths and an attendance of 150 to 54 booths and an attendance of 1,350 people. The amount of food donations has grown from “three large bins of food” donated to the Westside Food Bank to “1193 pounds of food” donated to the L.A. Food Bank. I hope this year is even bigger!

The site is a wonderful park and the event is very family friendly. Bring friends and family and share a picnic. There are also food vendors if you don’t want to bring your own food. It’s a great introduction to Pagans and Paganism, and fun, too. Come early and spend the day. It’s a great opportunity to make new friends…and to see me, too!

I’ll be talking at 11:30 a.m. for about an hour. My topic:

Magick For the Future
Most people are familiar with the traditions of spells and rites, but what forms of magick will people be doing in the future? In this talk I’ll reveal the basics of three powerful magickal systems—NLP, Chaos Magick, and Postmodern Magick— that people are using today to make changes in their lives and how you can use them to empower your magickal abilities.

After my talk I’ll be available to sign copies of my books. I hope to have a few copies of my books available. AND, although I can’t promise it, I hope to have some copies of the new third edition of Modern Magick available.

If you live in the Southern California area, I hope you will come to the L.A./O.C. PPD event and say hello. If you’re not in the area, or can’t make it, you can still pre-order the third edition of Modern Magick.

Written by Donald Michael Kraig
Donald Michael Kraig graduated from UCLA with a degree in philosophy. He also studied public speaking and music (traditional and experimental) on the university level. After a decade of personal study and practice, he began ten years of teaching courses in the Southern California area on such ...