When beginning a study tarot, one of the first things students learn about are correspondences. For some reason, tarotists love and the cards lend themselves to correspondences. Correspondences are other systems or symbols that, well, correspond to tarot cards. Common pairings include astrology and tarot as well as kabbalah and tarot. As for me, I don’t use those very often. However, I do tend to use some numerology. Not really with the Majors. Lately, I have deep concerns about assigning numbers to the Majors at all because I keep thinking of the original Renaissance-era decks in which the Majors were unnumbered.

But I do like to use numerology with the Minors. I do this in three ways: to add to the card’s meaning, to ascertain where in process a situation is, and to determine timing.

Today I’ll tell you how I assign meanings to the numbers. As you continue reading, you’ll come up with associations that work best for you.

Aces: new beginnings

Twos: duality, balance, relationship, choices

Threes: creativity, full expression of the suit, nurturing

Fours: stability, structure, organization, stagnation

Fives: conflict, loss, or chaos

Sixes: communication, problem solving

Sevens: reflection, assessment

Eights: movement, speed, power

Nines: compromises, possible stagnation, nearing completion, satiation

Tens: completion, ending a cycle

To ascertain where a situation is in development, I scan the numbers in a spread and make my analysis based on the numbers present:


Aces, twos, and threes: a situation is in early stages of development

Fours, fives, and sixes: a situation in the middle phase

Sevens, eights, and nines: near the end

Tens: all but complete and over

Why would a reader care to know this? Here’s how I use it. I believe that we have some control over our lives. But not total and complete control. I also believe that the earlier the stage of development, the easier it is to change course. So if I am looking at a relationship, where the querent has just begun dating someone, it is easier for her to affect change in the direction and course of that relationship. If it is the week before the wedding, it will be harder for her–for any number of reasons–to change course.

Do you use numbers in your readings? How?

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...