Shuffling seems like such a mundane part of the whole tarot reading process. But it is an important one and one that may have more important functions than you may think. It also carries decisions that you’ve probably made but never thought about.

Because I believe that every act involved in a tarot reading is symbolic, I encourage people to think about what they do and why. You see, I think that in tarot there are really no set rules. But I don’t believe that you should just “do whatever feels good.” Rather, I think that whatever you do should have meaning, that you should make choices that reflect your beliefs. For example:

1. Probably the main reason we all shuffle is to randomize the cards. How many shuffles does it take to randomize a new deck? After a reading with a seasoned deck? Do you shuffle the same number times every time? If so, how did you decide what number? If not, how do you decide each time?

2. If you believe that shuffling transfers energy necessary to reading into the cards, do you and the querent both shuffle, or just one or the other? Why?

3. Do you cut or have your querent cut the deck? Do you use your non-dominant hand? Why? How many piles do you make? What do you do after…gather them up in a random order, a specific order, or just use one of the piles?

4. After the cards are shuffled, do you deal the cards from the top or have the querent pick the cards from the deck?

If you want, in the comments share your answers to these questions along with how your choices reflect your believes or somehow play a symbolic role in your reading practice.

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...