At this time of year many families celebrate Thanksgiving or other harvest festivals that focus on gratitude for the bounty of the earth. One way to show gratitude is to share your own blessings with others. Perhaps you can use this idea as part of your celebration and create a new, modern ritual.

In Tarot Diva, Sasha Graham shares ideas about not just knowing the meanings of the cards, but living the lessons we find within the cards.

She discusses charitable giving for the 6 of Pentacles and gives this idea:

A Fun & Easy Charitable Idea

Host a screening of a documentary that speaks to an issue you care about. Choose a plaguing issue that concerns you, be it human slavery, childhood prostitution, genocide, or rainforest destruction.  Chance are you’ll find a documentary created about the subject. Rent the documentary and invite all yours to watch it with you. Ask your friends for a donation, say $10 each, for attending your screening. Donate the collected money to an organization who supports solutions for your particular cause. You will have made a financial contribution and spread awareness to your friends about the issue.

Card image: 6 of Pentacles from the Mystic Faerie Tarot

Learn more about Tarot Diva HERE


Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...