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The Green Witch Tarot is the a deck that I’ve been waiting for ever since Ann Moura wrote Tarot for the Green Witch back in 2003. It is finally here and it is worth the wait. Charmingly illustrated by Kiri Østergaard Leonard, this is a deck full of stories, wisdom, and symbols. Interestingly, Leonard studied art at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, which is also where Pamela Coleman Smith studied for two years (the institute had only been open six years when she enrolled).

Moura tells us that:

“The Green Witchcraft approach to the tarot is based on a personal relationship with nature, earth magic, the elementals, and the power of the immanent Goddess and God in their many aspects, and to the faeries, spirits, and entities of the earth, otherworld, and underworld. The cards draw upon the season, sabbats, esbats, faerie lore, herbs, plants, animals, celestial energies, and the bounty of nature.”

I love how the cards are rich with story. Although it is not the most happy card, I can’t help but be drawn into the story of the Four of Chalices, pictured here:


Moura writes about the card:

“This is a card of dissatisfaction despite current success. Although one has sufficient emotional well-being, one is seeking something more. There is a sense of restlessness and of looking for greener pastures, perhaps due to satiation, too much of a good thing. One desires something new to feel revitalized. One may need to reassess one’s situation to be able to reach out to a prospect for greater fulfillment. Such an opportunity will not fall into one’s lap, so one must make the effort to seize it to accomplish what is desired. There may be a need to reevaluate a relationship or assess an unexpressed yearning that remains in remains in a faithful commitment. It is this self-exploration of what will bring greater emotional satisfaction that is tined with a latent longing to know if the right choices have been made and if what one has attained is genuine. Even with the external needs being well met, internal contentment is being questioned. This may signal a new direction in emotional expression so that a sense of balance, symbolized by the Three of Chalices in of the Four, returns.

“Dittany, an herb of desires, beginnings, and manifestation, grows in a flowerpot. A dragonfly, a symbol of guidance, activation, and inspiration, flies into the room.”

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...