Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Dodie Graham McKay, author of the new Earth Magic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a renewed interest in pagan and witchcraft traditions and practices. These uncertain times have inspired many to seek spiritual and religious practices that not only provide comfort, but that also put a sense of control back into the hands of the individual. My own group has seen unprecedented interest from new seekers and the consensus seems to be that folks are craving a closer connection with the Earth, with home and hearth and the natural world.

When my part of the world shut down on March 13, 2020, I found myself in the same situation as so many people: I went from working more than full-time hours out in the world to working less than part-time from home. I was very lucky to have my writing to keep me busy. I was midway through writing my first book, Earth Magic (part of the Elements of Witchcraft series) and everything that I saw as connected to my own earth element—my home, financial security, health, and family—was in jeopardy thanks to a global pandemic.

I remember sitting in my home office, staring at the small shrine I have dedicated to the earth element and deities, on a shelf beside my desk. I was moved by how important the symbols on it are to me. A statue of Pan—a god of nature and its creatures. A small earthen goddess figure—benevolent and nurturing. A dish of salt—cleansing and purifying. A green man face peering at me from the side of an incense burner, evoking the mystery of the green wood. Tumbled rocks and stones—small fragments of the bones of the Earth, our home.

The world outside my office felt so threatening, so unsure. But here, safe inside my office, I had a moment of connection to the things that nourish me the most. The raw beauty and vitality of nature spoke to me in that moment, reassuring me that the ground was still under my feet. Feeling inspired and comforted, I got back to work, writing about the various manifestations of earth magic.

Magical acts that create, build, or manifest something is earth magic. Evoking or invoking nature deities or spirits is a form of earth magic. Spells or rituals to ensure your material or basic human needs are fulfilled are absolutely forms of earth magic. Taking care of yourself and ensuring that you and your nearest and dearest are happy, comfortable, and cared for is the most crucial and important earth magic you can perform. Without this solid foundation to stand on, any other work will suffer.

This is actual self-care, the type of care that empowers you to be fully present, aware, and at the height of your power and ability to manifest positive change in the world around you. It is a reminder and a wake-up call that there is a better, slower, more earth-focused way of living.

Our thanks to Dodie for her guest post! For more from Dodie Graham McKay, read her article “Earth Magic: Take Action with a Charm Bag.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...