Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Angela A. Wix, author of Llewellyn’s Little Book of Unicorns and the new Secret Psychic.

Angela A. WixIf she and I have both felt this way, there must be so many others who are going through the exact same thing. This was the thought that sparked the idea for The Secret Psychic, a book about embracing the magic of subtle intuition, natural spirit communication, and your hidden spiritual life. When this notion struck me, I was in the midst of a conversation with a close friend. We were talking about the sense of secrecy we’d both strongly felt throughout the development of our subtle abilities. While our similar spiritual explorations had been decades apart from one another, the parallels were uncanny.

Some of these aligned feelings included:

  • A sense of caution that left us keeping a huge part of ourselves hidden from others
  • Being in a deep personal transformation that left us burning with the same endless questions about our subtle abilities and spiritual nature
  • Frustration from the challenge of finding the answers we were looking for
  • The feeling of living dual lives and feeling caught between two worlds—internal vs. external, private vs. public, physical vs. spiritual/energetic—and trying to figure out how to maneuver while living in this gap
  • The desire to share amazing revelations and experiences we were having with those around us, but not knowing how or with whom it was safe to share

In that moment I recognized that we were secret psychics, and that there had to be many others who would benefit from shared knowledge of this common experience. Whether you’re long experienced and looking back at the beginnings of your past secret psychic journey, or just beginning to test the waters of new realms to your personal spirituality and intuitive abilities, there is so much to be gained from looking at your story from this shared lens.

Over the years, I’ve been in contact with hundreds of professional psychics and subtle energy professionals. In learning about their processes for utilizing subtle intuitive abilities, I’ve also learned about my own. But it wasn’t until I sat down to interview a range of highly respected professionals in this arena that I felt the pedestal I’d imagined others to be on shift to an equal ground.

While I’ve been surrounded by these wonderful people for decades now, my own inner doubt and a nagging imposter syndrome left me feeling like the outsider looking in, as though there surely still had to be much more for me to learn in order to really understand this side of myself. These interviews changed all that. Seeing how many of the details of my own story matched to that of others was astounding, confirming, and empowering all at once.

I’m now confident that I’ve been on the right track all along, and that I’m not alone on this path. Wisdom specific to secret psychics can be hard to find, since our hidden nature can create an extra barrier to finding the answers we seek. It’s much like the humorous idiom and meme, “Introverts Unite! (Separately, in your own homes).” And this is the heart of why I wrote this book. Even though it might look like you’re alone, I hope with all my heart that you come to know this shared secret psychic experience, because the truth is, we all have these amazing abilities within us. And if we choose to give them attention and actively nurture them, it is simply astonishing what can come of it.

Our thanks to Angela for her guest post! For more from Angela A. Wix, read her article “5 Tips to Effectively Receive and Understand Psychic Messages.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...