Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Deborah Castellano, author of Glamour Magic and the new Magic for Troubled times.

When writing my new book during the height of pandemic, I over-optimistically thought that when it actually came out in August 2022, I would need to shift my focus away from world events and focus more on personal disasters—job loss, divorce, death, health problems, and so on. The book is meant to help navigate both global disaster and personal disaster, so I thought it would be a matter of focusing on personal devastation. The Universe definitely loves to prove me wrong at every opportunity she gets! The war in Ukraine, inflation costs, Roe v. Wade. And whatever fresh personal hell you have going on in your life that is stressing you all the way out. You know, the little things.

So, let’s talk magical strategy to cope with this boring dystopia with which we’ve been saddled.

  1. Do something kind for your meat suit/body when you first wake up. Whether it’s drinking enough water, whether it’s doing some kind of movement, whether it’s brushing your teeth and taking your meds, you need to ground yourself into your own body. Mantra while completing this action: My body deserves kindness.
  2. Work on this step in the morning. What is one thing you want to transform? Whether it’s transforming your career or the Supreme Court, distill it down to one sentence and write it down. What do you need to release to make this transformation? Distill it down to one sentence one, turn your paper upside down, write it down. Put it under your favorite mug. Boil some water. Steep 3 tablespoons of dried butterfly pea flowers for five minutes. Don’t have butterfly pea flowers? That’s okay; use a sprig of fresh rosemary instead. Squeeze a wedge of fresh lemon in it. Focus on your intention and drink it.
  3. In the evening, take your intention paper from Step Two and put it under a white tealight. Sprinkle a little cinnamon onto the tealight to bring speed to your intention. Put a clear quartz point next to your tealight to magnify your intention. Concentrate on your intention again and light the tealight. If you need to go to bed before it goes out, use a candle snuffer to extinguish it and do the practice again every night until it burns out.

Our thanks to Deborah for her guest post! For more from Deborah Castellano, read her article, “Motivation Magic for Troubled Times.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...