Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Cyndi Dale, author of a number of books, including Advanced Chakra Healing, Energy Work for the Everyday to Elite Athlete, and the new Root Chakra.

Decades ago, my family thought I was weird because I wrote books about chakras. It’s now odd to not know about chakras. In fact, a CEO recently asked me which chakra could improve a golf game.

My favorite chakra with which to interact is the root, or the first chakra. (Come to think of it, it’s also the golf chakra.) Why? Health and wealth. Who doesn’t want more of each?

This hip-based, red energy center governs all-things functional and physical. In the end, when it’s fully operational, we achieve wellness—and that little extra affluence that makes life so much more fun.

In this blog post, I’m going to share a quick meditation for increasing your capacity to attract and enjoy wealth and become and remain as healthy as possible.

First, I want to define both terms. “Wealth” includes money but also other splendid resources, including time to spend on hobbies and in loving relationships. What are your unique joys? They might range from hiking mountains to walking dogs, and your first chakra is all about what’s special to you. “Health” means “wholeness.” We all desire a rock-on body, but also emotional and mental balance. Your root chakra is the basis for all components of health.

There is a little-known secret about how to improve any chakra. I’ll inform you about it regarding your root chakra: You need to stream universal energy through the inner wheel of a chakra.

Every chakra has two wheels. The outer rim carries your survival programs, like those inherited from your ancestry, soul, nuclear family, culture, and surroundings. Many of these programs prevent a chakra from thriving. The inner wheel holds codes related to your spirit or divine essence. Upon streaming energy in through core of a chakra, these ideals are activated. That celestial stream will wrap around a chakra’s outer wheel and transform the negative programs, so you can them aim at—and achieve—what you’re truly seeking.

Do you want to heal the programming preventing good health and life-enhancing wealth?

Take a few breaths. Bring your focus to the core chamber of your first chakra; you can always envision a spherical ball of energy in-between your lower hips and guide yourself into the absolute center. Now give permission for your spirit—your own essence—to radiate pure love throughout and beyond your first chakra from its core. Feel that flow! Any color or frequency required to heal, fill, and balance your root chakra—to change outer wheel programs so you can fulfill your destiny of wealth and health—is provided. These will continue to flow from inside to out as long as needed.

You can apply this process to any of your chakras, of course—and percolate a great life with ease and simplicity.

Our thanks to Cyndi for her guest post! For more from Cyndi Dale, read her article, “From Empathy to Manifestation: The Special Powers of Your Root Chakra.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...