The mere words “Mercury Retrograde” are often enough to send shivers down even the strongest of spines. Misplaced items, miscommunications, mishaps, and mayhem are all potential outcomes of the havoc that Mercury Retrograde can wreak. But fret not! May promises to highlight many other astrological sectors, with a Full Moon in Scorpio on the 9th and  New Moon in Gemini on the 24th, so don’t forget to enjoy what these lunar phenomena bring while you tread lightly around the happenings of Mercury Retrograde.

July 2009 Monthly Forecast

For more insight into your monthly forecast, including rewarding/challenging days for each month; action tables that reveal the best dates to begin a romance, take a vacation, ask for a loan, and more; and detailed horoscopes by Kris Brandt Riske, check out Llewellyn’s 2010 Sun Sign Book.

This will be a busy month, especially after Mars arrives in Gemini, your solar third house, on July 11. Enjoy happy times with friends and loved ones as Mercury enters Leo on July 17, followed by the Sun on the 22nd. But in all your socializing, be careful if on vacation or traveling by car (remember, Mars is in Gemini, and Mars increases the odds for an accident). The July 7 Full Moon (and lunar eclipse) in Leo—your career sector—will highlight your ambitions, and the influence will be in effect for the next six months. Plan now how to capitalize on your talents at work.

Take a vacation  or a long weekend to avail the energy of the Capricorn Full Moon and lunar eclipse (July 7) and Cancer New Moon and solar eclipse (July 21), which activates your solar third/ninth house axis. Use the time now, as August promises to be hectic. Family time is a priority this month when Mercury enters Leo (your domestic sector) on July 17 followed by the Sun on July 22. Also, watch your pocketbook: with Venus in Gemini (your solar second house) July 5-30, you could gain money through a raise, but you could also be tempted to overspend.

Experience a high-energy social spotlight when Mars zips into Gemini on July 11. This influence will remain through the end of August, enhancing motivation but also the potential for slip-ups. However, your communication will be bolstered by Mercury in Leo from July 17 on. Share your thoughts and feelings with those closest to you, and listen in return. Venus is in Gemini during this same time, so you may not always like what these others have to share with you. Your second house (money) sees a lot of action this month: the Sun is there through July 21, the date of the New Moon and solar eclipse) and it is joined by Mercury from the 3rd to the 17th. These influences are overall more positive than negative, but unexpected expenses could arise.

You’ve got a good thing going for you this month with the Sun in your sign. Even better is the July 21 New Moon and solar eclipse in Cancer, which signals the symbolic start of your new solar year. Set new goals for the upcoming years. Close relationships are also at the forefront this month, with the Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Capricorn (your seventh house). These relationships will generally be positive, but be sure to keep all lines of communication open, as this will strengthen your ties. You will have a keen interest in your money matters when Mercury enters Leo (your second house) on July 17. This is a plus for income but also increases the urge to splurge.

Jupiter and Neptune meet again this month in Aquarius (your seventh house); this double-sided influence has the potential to put you in touch with a lucky contact, but be sure to verify good news before you act, especially if money is involved. If the communication is romantic, don’t jump into any commitments. You’ll be focusing on the past year and what you’ve achieved in those twelve months as Mercury enters Cancer (your twelfth house) July 3-17. Along with the July 21 New Moon, your sixth sense will be heightened; use these clues to plan the next year. Also, your summer social life will be all you could ask for, with Venus in Gemini (your eleventh house) July 5-30, where it is joined by Mars on the 11th. You continue to make career strides continues, and the July 7 Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Capricorn, your sixth house of work, steps up the pace even more.

This month is ideal for summer fun with friends and romantic partners, with the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 7 and the New Moon in Cancer on July 21 highlight your fifth and eleventh houses. Make the most of these relationships this month. July will also be good for money and success, as Venus travels through Gemini (your career sector) July 5-30. Take the time to apply for a new job or a promotion, but as the next six weeks promise to be hectic at work, be sure to take time for yourself and your thoughts. Your sixth sense will get a boost from Mercury as it enters Leo on the 17th; use this heightened intuition to gain clues about your career insights.

July has the potential to be your best career month of the year (thanks to Mercury in Cancer July 3-16 and the alignment of the July 21 Cancer New Moon and Uranus in Pisces). Even given this information, use restraints as far as finances are concerned. Venus is in Taurus through July 4 and Mars is in Taurus through July 10, giving you the potential to gain a raise at work, but you are also in the mood to spend. Be careful so as to keep everything in check. July is also a great month for romance, as Jupiter and Neptune join forces in Aquarius, your fifth house. That lineup is complemented by Mercury in Leo from July 17 on and Sun in Leo after July 21.

Aim for a mid-month getaway when planetary alignments favor family and romantic fun at a vacation destination. While on vacation, you could potentially meet up with a contact that could help your career or personal life with the July 21 New Moon and solar eclipse in Cancer. Take advantage of the July 7 Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Capricorn, your third house, to enjoy friends, neighbors, and loved ones. This Full Moon also forms a beneficial contact with Saturn in Virgo, making July a great month to see friends. Finances are generally positive this month, largely because of Mercury and Venus in Gemini, your eighth house.

With Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius (your third house), this is a good month for socializing, but be sure to take off your rose-colored glasses: though you will want to see the best in everyone, there is the potential you will be taken advantage of. Thanks to Venus in Gemini July 5-30, you will, however, be in sync with just about everyone. Be gracious, tactful, and charming to all with whom you come in contact. With July’s emphasis on Capricorn and Cancer (your solar second/eighth house axis), financial matters will command your attention this month. Both the Full Moon/lunar eclipse in Cancer on the 7th and the New Moon/solar eclipse on the 21st have the potential to increase your bank balance, but the potential for extra expenses is also there, so review your budget if necessary.

Expect few snags this month. A fool and his money will soon be parted if you let anyone talk you into spending big bucks, as Jupiter and Neptune will be in Aquarius (your money sector). Take advantage of the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 7th, as you will enjoy the spotlight. This is your time to shine! Relationships will also be shining this month, thanks to Mercury in Cancer, your seventh house, July 3-16 and the New Moon in Cancer on July 21. That said, be wary of drama or conflict; say little or let someone else take charge if need be. Things at work should go swimmingly due to the New Moon in Capricorn and Venus in Gemini, your sixth house from July 5-30. Keep pace, though, as August should be even busier, and you will want to get as much done this month as possible.

This month will be mostly easygoing, with only minor challenges. Enjoy the week of the 7th by taking advantage of the summer to slow the pace a bit; you’ll be glad you did later on in the month when things get a bit more hectic. Take advantage of Mercury in Leo on July 17 and the Sun in Leo on the 22nd; this is great for both your love and social lives. You’ll also shine on the job, with Mercury transiting Cancer July 3-16 and the New Moon/solar eclipse in Cancer on July 21. Promotions and raises are possible with extra work.

Your mind will be aflutter as Venus and Mars in Taurus (your third house) contact several planets. Either take action or talk with a trusted person to avoid confusion. Domestic changes are highlighted this month, with Venus in Gemini (your fourth house) on July 5, followed by Mars on July 11. This month is also great for socializing thanks to the July 7 Full Moon/lunar eclipse in Capricorn (your friendship sector) and the July 21 New Moon/solar eclipse in Cancer, your fifth house. This is one of the best months of this year to meet a romantic partner or soulmate.  Keep the pace this month at work, as things will be hectic with Mercury entering Leo (your sixth house of work) on July 17, and the Sun moving into Leo on the 22nd. Do as much as you can now, as August promises to be even busier.

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...