In my last post, I mentioned some questions that I’ve been considering lately. Based on the lack of response, save from my friend Mark, I wonder if these questions do not interest you as much. But they keep coming up for me in different conversations with various colleagues. I’ve been wondering a lot about the future of tarot but having no ideas what that future may hold. Rachel Pollack’s comment about tarot being an art form in and of itself  has triggered some inkling of a possibility of maybe an idea or two.

I asked “are all decks meant to be read with?” Not long ago I would have answered with a resounded and confident “yes!” What good is a deck that isn’t designed for ease of use? But now I’m beginning to wonder about that. Tarot cards were not always used for reading. They were used for games. Then readings and for holders of esoteric wisdom. What is next for tarot? A change in information captured in the images? I don’t think so…for even when the cards were used for games, the images still contained recognizable symbols for the people who used them. Perhaps the change will be in how they are used. But we do already use them in a wide variety of ways: fortune telling, brainstorming, creative inspiration, spiritual and psychological growth.

Truly, I am not sure, but the idea of an art form lingers and I wonder what exactly that means.

While I ponder, maybe we should take another artsy-craftsy break. One technique that some people use to gain insight into the cards is to make their own deck. I was recently given two handmade cards. The image is a bit unclear, as they are multi-media. For those of you are not busy cropping your decks, maybe try your hand at making your own deck.


Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...