Last night I was invited to a friend’s house to meet a medium/channeler and her guide, who is a sensitive. The house in which this meeting and session took place has a lot of ghostly activity. It’s a gorgeous home that has been lovingly preserved and brought back to its original glory (after being divided into 3 apartments). As we toured through the house, many of us, including myself, picked up on how different rooms had different energies. None of them were bad or evil, but there were definitely feelings of sadness, instability, annoyance, and complete peace throughout the house. In one room that made everyone feel unsteady, I had my hand in my back pocket and felt a pain in my hand. It wasn’t like a pinch, but as if someone stuck my hand with a pin. I didn’t mention it until we were up in the attic when I felt at peace and less uneasy.

When we were in a particular room, checking out a closet that was once a stairwell that was closed off, I noticed the medium really looking in the closet. She seemed a bit unsteady and I knew something was up, but didn’t ask if she had saw or felt anything there, but I definitely filed it away to ask later.

After the tour we sat down and I talked to them for a bit about their lives. When I asked the medium about how long she’s known she’s had this gift, she said that she wouldn’t necessarily call it a gift, but she doesn’t remember a time when she didn’t have this ability. What happens is that she goes into a trance and starts speaking. It is in a different voice, and at times has recited lengthy and well-crafted poems or either intricate details of a medical lecture, or conveying how souls live in the afterlife. Her guide (who is also her husband) has helped many spirits who are lost find their way to the other side. He has recorded hundreds of sessions and is very interested in why we’re here and what is in store for us when our physical bodies have ceased functioning.

Before the medium started, she asked if there were any questions. My friend asked about the entities in the house, who they were (although she knew of a few of them; all previous tenants), if there were any other treasures to be found in the house, and if there was anything she could do to be a better steward of the house. The medium said she didn’t know if she could answer those specific questions but would see who would show up.

Lights were turned off, candles were lit, and we all closed our eyes. A sense of calm and peace was very present as we all relaxed and waited to see if anyone came through. The medium started speaking in an Eastern European accent and the guide welcomed the spirit to our session. The medium relayed that there was a good energy and described the afterlife. There is an inbetween where spirits go after they have passed. This is where they meet with relatives and loved ones who have passed. The house where last night’s session took place has the same energy, hence why many spirits are present. She also relayed that spirits do allow themselves to be seen or heard, but at times they have a difficult time communicating because we’re on different vibrations. A very interesting fact she relayed was that some spirits also re-enter life again, hence reincarnation.

The spirit started speaking about how the house attracts many spirits because of its energy. There was a man who was boating down the river and had some boxes and parcels in his boat. The boat capsized and a man on shore came to help. The boat was righted, the boxes were recovered, but the contents were ruined. The boat man was going to sell them and couldn’t, so the other man invited him to his home, which was the house we were in. The men became friends and were reunited in the spirit world.

The spirit, via the medium, asked if there were any questions. My friend asked about the identity of the spirit she calls “dark man” because of how it appears as an apparition. The spirit said that the spirit is not dark, it’s just a cloak. He used to live at the property and is looking for papers that say he has claim to the land. He visits different houses and is constantly searching. He farmed at that spot when the town was very new and all of his landmarks that he knew in his physical life are gone. The spirit gave specific details of what was in the box and where he had placed it.

She then started talking about a maid who had worked there and was constantly going up and down the steps. That immediately made me think of the blocked off staircase/closet. There were three sisters who lived at the house and one liked to torment the maid. This frustrated the maid, especially when her ironing was interrupted. The maid liked to spend time in her own mind and looked forward to having her own home. The maid had lived to be an old woman but still returns to the home to torment the young woman who had tormented her! The young woman is rather perturbed that the maid is happy and has little when she, being of higher status and wealth, isn’t happy.

The spirit said that it wasn’t coincidence that she owns this house. She was drawn to it because she’s very welcoming and aware of spirits and wants to honor them. Spirits are attracted to the nurturing and motherly nature that exudes from the home and they feel comfortable there and that they belong. They have a hard time communicating with her because they are on different vibrations, so the spirit suggested some things for my friend to do in order to bridge the gap. In essence, she has to tell them how they can communicate with her, which she’s done by asking the three sisters to turn a light on and off, and they did last night.

The spirit left and afterward, I asked the medium how she felt. She said, “It felt like I just had a good nap!” It was absolutely fascinating to witness. I sat next to her and she had her eyes closed and moved her hands and feet in a fidgeting fashion, but not nervous. It was like seeing someone who was in a trance and didn’t have control, but something was moving her hands and feet. At one point, I kept noticing something out of the corner of my eye. It was like a light was turning on and off or something was behind me. I turned around and there was nothing but a hallway, and even though the front porch light was on, I couldn’t see the door because of a cabinet in the hallway. Later, after the session, a friend walked in front of the door and I immediately knew that’s what caused the flickering light that I saw during the session. But we were all in the kitchen, so was it one of the spirits walking in the front hallway?

During the session, I again felt like I was being poked with a pin, but it was different. More pronounced and larger, but at very specific points, and it would last for about 15 seconds. One was in the back of my neck, one was at my right temple, and another at my left temple. It wasn’t constant, and they were spread out through the session. Maybe it was a spirit that was trying to get my attention?

After it was all said and done and we headed our separate ways, I felt so relaxed. A friend of mine, who is also a sensitive, came along and she commented the exact same thing. She also felt sick when we were in a certain area of the house. I’ve experienced some moments of claircognizance (fully formed thoughts pop into your head) recently, but I have also experienced that in the past, although I had no idea what it was at the time. My intuition has been on overdrive lately and is so strong. I haven’t been this “in tune” with myself in a long time, and when I am in tune, all cylinders are running and my dreams and intution are so very strong and guide me in the right direction. During the session, the spirit mentioned that we must listen to our intuition, which I saw as yet another sign that the Universe is telling me to keep on bringing mine forward.

This was my first experience of witnessing someone channel a spirit, and I have to say that it was surreal and fascinating. At times I thought “Is this for real?!” But the genuineness of the medium and guide, as well as a testimonial from a mutual friend, solidified the fact that yes, it was real. Last Tuesday marked my year anniversary at Llewellyn. Especially in the past few months, I’ve learned to embrace myself and my intuition, and I have never felt more at home in my life. I am so grateful that the Universe brought me to work here. I finally feel like I belong.

Written by Amy
Amy is the acquisitions editor in charge of a number of subjects at Llewellyn including paranormal, divination, astrology, dreams, psychic development, and angels. With 25 years experience in the publishing world, Amy is grateful to bring book ideas to life. She enjoys reading, knitting, and ...