Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Danielle Blackwood, author of The Twelve Faces of the Goddess and the new Lantern in the Dark.

In these uncertain times, many of us feel a collective loss and grief that is hard to deny. We may long for comfort, solace, and a sense of meaning as we navigate new versions of our world, our communities, and ourselves. Sacred Astrology can help us perceive the trans-personal patterns and deeper archetypal layers that lie beneath world events and interpersonal relationship dynamics, as well as shed light on the psycho-spiritual dimensions of our rites of passage. Here are three ways it can help:

Reclaim a Sense of Belonging and Community
There are two kinds of transits: world transits and personal transits. World transits are felt on a collective level and affect all of us at the same time. For example, most of us know when there’s a full moon, or when Mercury is retrograde. Discussing and sharing our collective experiences can give us a sense of belonging, and help us to dive more deeply into the archetypal meaning of the energetics of the moment.

On the other hand, although we have personal transits to our birth charts all the time, there are some that occur for everyone around the same age, that are known as bio-psychic transits. An example is the Saturn return that happens between the ages of 27-30. Knowing that others in our age group are also experiencing similar challenges at the same time can foster a sense of community and belonging. Sharing our experiences, vulnerabilities, and stories connects us to others and can help us feel less alone. We can find an increased sense of hope and meaning knowing that others are on the same journey.

Find a Deeper Sense of Meaning
Sacred Astrology is a symbolic language that can help us glimpse the archetypal patterns that run beneath our everyday lives, and can give us a deeper sense of meaning during difficult times. It can help us reflect on the bigger picture. Finding meaning can give us resilience, which can help transform our feelings of confusion and grief, so we can find purpose in crisis, or as Jungian psychologist Robert Johnson wrote, “the gold in the shadow.”

Practice Self Care
Sacred Astrology can point the way to what we need at a given time. For example, during a Saturn transit, we can tune our self care to practical Saturnian themes: getting organized, getting enough sleep, or saying no to distractions so we can focus on what’s important. During a Neptune transit, self care may look a little different, perhaps we call our therapist, make space for mindfulness meditation, journal, or take time out to read that inspiring book we’ve been meaning to dive into.

If you’d like to make Sacred Astrology a part of your spiritual practice or self care routine, begin by seeking out reputable astrologers online, and reading books on archetypal astrology, including my new book, A Lantern in the Dark: Navigating Life’s Crossroads with Story, Ritual, and Sacred Astrology.

Our thanks to Danielle for her guest post! For more from Danielle Blackwood, read her article “At a Crossroad? Five Ways to Transform Your Journey Using Sacred Astrology.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...