Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Masuda Mohamadi, author of the new Unlock the Power of Your Chakras.

Chakras are spinning wheels of energy, located vertically along the spine from the base to the crown of the head. Each of the seven chakras relates to aspects of your physical and emotional well-being and may be balanced, deficient, or excessive in energy.

The navel chakra, located at the solar plexus, is a powerful chakra that can help us feel strong, confident, and resilient. These are qualities that help us face the challenges in our lives. The navel chakra is associated with the fire element, representing warmth, energy, luminosity, radiance, and the power of transformation. Within the body, the fire element provides the heat required for healthy digestion. On a subtle level, this element helps us digest life experiences, absorbing the lessons we need to learn and letting go of old emotions and memories that no longer serve us.

How can you tell if your navel chakra is out of balance? Take a look at these descriptors and write down the ones you are currently experiencing. Approach this exercise with curiosity and compassion rather than with any criticism or judgment.

Balanced Energy Deficient Energy Excessive Energy
Proactive Passive Dominating
Reliable & Responsible Blaming Controlling
Resilient Low energy Hyperactive
Healthy self-esteem Low self-esteem Driven compulsively
Able to achieve goals Tendency to be cold Tendency to be hot
Confident Attracted to stimulants Attracted to sedatives
Spontaneous Lacking self-discipline Arrogant
Good sense of humor Poor digestion Stubborn

If your navel chakra is deficient, practice building up your ego and self-esteem with the following exercise.

Inner Strength Exercise to Balance Deficient Energy
Research shows that we are born with one third of our strengths and the rest we learn over our lifetime. This is good news because we can leverage the strengths we are born with and cultivate new strengths to help us become stronger, more confident, and resilient. Take a moment and write down a list of your top three inner strengths. Visualize all the ways that these strengths have helped you overcome adversity in the past and visualize how these strengths can help you move forward in life to once again experience success and victory.

If your navel chakra is excessive in energy, then invite more relaxation into your life with the following exercise.

Relaxation Practice to Balance Excessive Energy
If you are an overachiever in constant doing mode, then it’s time to pause, take a deep breath, and put down the to-do list. Take a moment to acknowledge your inner strengths, hard work, and accomplishments. Know that your ego’s desire for achievement and success is insatiable and it’ll never be satisfied. To avoid burnout, make a list of three activities that are relaxing, fun, and non-goal oriented. If you are resisting this exercise, think about a friend or family member who is fairly relaxed and knows how to enjoy life. Enlist their help in inspiring you to bring more joy into your life.

If you find that you have both excessive and deficient qualities, then practice both exercises to come into balance.

For more tips on balancing your chakras, check out my new book, Unlock the Power of Your Chakras: An Immersive Experience through Exercises, Yoga Sets & Meditations.

Our thanks to Masuda for her guest post! For more from Masuda Mohamadi, read her article, “7 Practices to Access the Gifts of Your Chakras .”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...