Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Erin Newman, author of the new Answer Within.

First off, let me say that everything I’m about to offer here is always in process for me. Meaning, I don’t feel like there’s ever an end to the transformation or growth possible, and I don’t feel like I’ve gotten to a place where I can claim that I’m “done” or “healed” or have fully integrated all of these lessons or knowings. Which can sound kind of depressing—like, do I really have to keep doing this, forever?

But without growth, we’d just be stagnant and well…boring. And how could there be an upper limit to joy or fun or expansion, anyway? So, while I know that I’ll never be “done” with growth and expansion, that idea no longer brings me down, but instead leaves me with a feeling of, “Okay, universe, what else can we expand into?” (Or, at least, most days it feels like that. You know there’s always those days when nothing works.)

One: Don’t take any of it seriously.
My guides are continually showing me that whichever path I choose, it’s still going to be okay, and that I can stop treating every decision like it’s going to be THE ONE DECISION THAT CHANGES MY LIFE. In actuality, there’s almost always a chance to make a new decision. And even when there isn’t a chance to make a new decision, that pathway I chose was also exactly the right pathway, anyway.

Two: Everyone else is also right.
This is probably the hardest lesson, ever, and one I’m continually working on. Any time I’m feeling anger at someone else or even at another group of people, my guides continually show me a process for examining and then processing that anger. This usually involves seeing the other person or other group’s viewpoint. And whoah, is that always really tough, but also, helps me to come back to the feeling of love and compassion for others, even if they hold a completely different opinion or viewpoint.

Three: Everything is everything.
This one’s kind of hard to explain in words, but essentially this teaching from my guides helps to remind me that we’re all connected, that even the smallest of things or thoughts can influence others, that healing myself heals others around me, and that the life force of the universe pervades all things. For me, this phrase is more of a felt sense, a sense of being with the All-That-Is in each moment, and remembering that all others are connected to this life force, too. You know, just a little thing.

What resonates for you? Would love to hear in the comments below!

Our thanks to Erin for her guest post! For more from Erin Newman, read her article, “5 Easy Ways to Connect to Your Spirit Guides.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...