Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Shai Tubali, author of the new 7 Day Chakras.

Affirmations are probably the simplest way to align and unify your body and mind with a certain intention. As soon as such an alignment has been formed, your body and mind naturally flow in the direction of this intention and you become a magnet that attracts, from within and from without, the forces that are most relevant for the realization of this intention.

In fact, affirmations are such a simple mental device that can change our being so immediately and radically that it is unclear why we don’t walk around every day, all day long, with some affirmation that reverberates within our mind! It becomes even easier when you realize that you don’t have to believe in the affirmation with all your being or adhere to it too intensely and fanatically. Just letting it resound throughout your being and act on you gently and effortlessly should suffice.

You can compose an affirmation right away. How? Formulate a short sentence that captures your intention not as a hope or a wish but as a reality that is taking place right now. Utter it, either mentally or vocally, with closed eyes, and examine the degree to which your body, heart, and mind resonate with it.

As a part of the 7-Day Chakra Path (which is explored in my book 7 Day Chakras), I have developed ten possible affirmations for each day of the week. The seven-day chakra cycle enables our week to become systematically permeated with the seven chakra energies for a total manifestation of all the different layers of our human fulfillment and happiness. When you use the relevant affirmations on their designated day, week after week, it repeatedly evokes the relevant energies of the day, leading you to an ideal experience of the day’s potential.

Here are seven essential affirmations for a successful week (with an additional affirmation for each day, if you wish to explore a different nuance of the same day). It is especially recommended to start your day by mentally uttering the affirmation and to even create visual reminders and spread them in noticeable places. An important sign could be placed in the spot that is the first thing you see when you wake up.

Monday: The Day of Grounding: “Today I am creating the foundations of a healthy and happy week.” (Or: “Today I say yes to life and all its challenges.”)

Tuesday: The Day of Joy: “Today I am following my enjoyment instinct.” (Or: “Today I acknowledge life’s beauty in the here and now.”)

Wednesday: The Day of Power: “Today I gather all the forces of my being to follow what I want.” (Or: “Today I find the power in me to overcome any obstacle.”)

Thursday: The Day of Love: “Today I perceive the world through the eyes of my heart.” (Or: “Today I aspire to make others happy.”)

Friday: The Day of Expression: “Today I am making my inner light and beauty visible in the world.” (Or: “Today I am listening to my wildest dreams.”)

Saturday: The Day of Wisdom: “Today I am learning to trust my intelligence and wisdom.” (Or: “Today I am attracting the knowledge that my mind is thirsty for.”)

Sunday: The Day of Spirit: “Today I am relaxing and tuning in to the meditation of the universe.” (Or: “Today I am immersing my mind and heart in the silence of my innermost being.”)

Our thanks to Shai for his guest post! For more from Shai Tubali, read his article “The 7 Needs of Your Soul.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...