Posted Under Astral Projection

New Energy Ways for Mastering Astral Projection

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New Energy Ways (NEW for short) is the cornerstone of the superior practices featured in Mastering Astral Projection. NEW is a simple, yet powerful, method of directly simulating one's energy body—a true armchair system. Since the projected double is generated by the energy body, its stimulation and development are key to OBE success.

The human energy body can be likened to a subtle reflection of its physical counterpart, including central nervous, circulatory systems, and major organs. The energy body contains several interdependent energy circuits. The primary energy circuit (containing the major chakras) is the higher energy circuit responsible for out-of-body projection. But this cannot be properly used (barring natural ability) until its subtle underlying support circuitry (the secondary chakra system) has been developed. NEW is an easy-to-learn method for progressively strengthening both the secondary and primary systems, thereby paving the way for conscious OBE.

The core principles of NEW are found in most Eastern energy systems, like Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga, and Tantra. But its application in Mastering Astral Projection has been designed purely for Westerners. Essentially, NEW is a tactile system that utilizes focused body awareness actions. In practice, when one's attention is centered on a specific part of one's body, that part becomes energetically stimulated. When this focus of body awareness is given motion—meaning when one focuses on a specific body part and then moves that focus through the body—the underlying energy body support structures in that area are stimulated. In this way, energy can be moved through the body. This movement causes energy body stimulation and development. This opens the way to higher levels of energy body functioning, including OBE and all other psychic abilities. The NEW system also has strong self-healing side effects.

The effectiveness of NEW can be demonstrated by the following exercise: Rest your left hand on your desk or lap with palm up. With the fingertips of your right hand, stroke the whole underside of your left hand from wrist to fingertips repeatedly. While doing this, memorize the feel of the touch this movement produces in your left hand. Continue stroking for a minute, until you can reproduce the feel and movement of this action in your left hand with your mind alone. When you can do this, stop physically stroking and continue moving this feel through your left hand. Continue and you will feel peculiar sensations like pressure, heaviness, tingling, buzzing or tickling. These indicate successful energy body stimulation in your left hand. Repeat this exercise with your right hand, then on the sole of each foot.

Mastering Astral Projection builds upon the above with easy and progressive steps. Larger and deeper parts of your energy body—including your primary chakras—are thus stimulated and exercised. Regular practice of these methods causes progressive energy body development.

A printable version of Robert Bruce's complete New Energy Ways tutorial is included with Mastering Astral Projection's CD-ROM.

About Robert Bruce

Robert Bruce (Australia) is a published metaphysicist. His articles, tutorials, and personal experiences are featured on his popular website, http://www.astralpulse.com and http://www.astraldynam ...

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