In my previous post I described the concept of debunking the debunkers. How is this related to magick?

Most debunkers don’t call themselves that. Rather, they call themselves “skeptics.” But are they? I don’t think so. Rather, they have usurped and stolen the term “skeptic” to mean “denouncers of anything that doesn’t fit into their world view.” They often believe that they are defending “science” (not that science needs defending!). In fact, they tend to use science to defend their position rather than let the science lead where it will.

There is another group that uses science only when it supports their world view. They are called fundamentalists. They will use scientific techniques only when it supports their philosophies/theologies.

Real science goes from evidence to conclusion.

False science (as used by debunkers and fundamentalists) begins with a conclusion then looks for evidence to support that conclusion.

By the same token, real magick follows the scientific method. In fact, the scientific method was created by medieval magicians (specifically the alchemists), something that many scientists don’t like to admit.

When you design a ritual, it’s important to have an attitude that it will work. But if it doesn’t work, don’t keep repeating your ritual/experiment and think you’re going to get a different result! Try changing different conditions:

  • Perform the ritual at a different time
  • Work with a different divinity or spirit
  • Change the wording of your rite

Keep records in your magickal journal or diary. By changing one condition at a time you’ll eventually discover exactly what will work for you. If you merely repeat what others have done, that’s hero worship, not true magick. Doing what others have done is a good place to start and it may work for you. If not, become a magickal scientist and discover what does work. Consider sharing what you’ve learned with others. Maybe you’ll post it on the internet or get a book published.

Written by Donald Michael Kraig
Donald Michael Kraig graduated from UCLA with a degree in philosophy. He also studied public speaking and music (traditional and experimental) on the university level. After a decade of personal study and practice, he began ten years of teaching courses in the Southern California area on such ...