Whether it is a New Year’s resolution or simply a desire to fit into that fabulous bikini by spring break, most of us resolve to shed an inch or two at some point during the year. And many of us will not succeed—perhaps because are not planning our weight loss goals in tandem with knowledge of our sun signs? Below are a few tips and tricks, by your sun sign, to fight that fat.

As an Aries, you are noted for your initiative and action. You are also the noted athletes of the zodiac; try competitive sports. Instead of focusing on diet restrictions, give yourself exercise challenges. Run a quarter of a mile, and as you near the end, push yourself to make to the half-mile mark. Make a goal to reach a mile within so many days, and as you meet and exceed your personal challenges, you will be more motivated to make set more goals.

Taurus can get stuck in his earth-bound rut. Instead of revamping your entire way of life, choose one thing to add or remove from your daily schedule, and be sure to reward yourself once you achieve a goal. Add a daily walk, begin parking your car at the end of the parking lot, or switch out your nightly snack of potato chips for uncooked carrots and hummus.

Gemini has many friends, as the socializer and charmer of the zodiac. Try doing your workout routine with a buddy; having someone to chat with, sweat with, and even compete with, will help you stick to your exercise and weight loss goals. That said, be sure to keep your workouts varied so that they don’t become monotonous.

Combine your love of family and friends with exercise. Home workout DVDs or Nintendo Wii Fit that can include the entire family will serve you well. Take the family dog for a walk, go power walking at the mall with a gal pal, or adapt traditional and time-honored family recipes that may be high in fat and calories.

Any exercise routine that you don’t find truly interesting will not last for long. Find something you truly enjoy doing, even if only yard work or power walking at the mall as you window shop. Dance is also a good option to get your body moving. An added bonus? All eyes will be on you when unveil your new look (and maybe even your new moves)!

Detail-oriented Virgo will stick to a plan once details are made, so try making a schedule for exercise or a list of caloric intake for the day. After you’ve achieved a line item, cross it off! After a short while you’ll be able to feel the results of your plans, and you may no longer need your lists (though you still will get satisfaction from being able to cross off items on your lists, so  you might keep them around anyway).

Be social with your weight loss goals: team up with a weight-loss buddy or join a fitness or health group. Being social will make your exercise plans that much more enjoyable. If you are not able to physically join a weight-loss group, explore your options for connections online.

If you believe it, you can achieve it! You have no problem sticking to your resolutions, but be sure to find a program for diet and weight loss that you can truly believe in. Try training for a marathon or triathlon; as you push yourself to your limits, you will see results that you like.

Sagittarians often dream big, perhaps too big. Take a kickboxing class at the local gym or try walking daily with a friend. If you start with smaller goals that allow you to be outside in nature (try riding a bike or hiking), you will be more likely to end up where you want to be.

Ambitious Capricorns will likely have no issue following weight loss goals and resolutions, especially if they can be seen outdoing others at the gym. Once you realize you’ll be able to fit into that brand-new power suit you bought for the office, the weight loss will be in the bag.

Born under the universal sign of friendship, Aquarians do well to include a buddy in their exercise and diet plans. Team up with a friend for walking or running. Even having a personal trainer whom you respect will help you reach your goals. Your love of gadgets can also make your routine easier; try downloading workouts to an mp3 player.

Your watery personal makes it difficult to stick to a resolution per se. Instead, try more mellow forms of exercise that are part of a spiritual discipline that add meaning to your life as opposed to watching the numbers on the scale and attempting to stick to boring exercise routines. Try yoga, meditation, and tai chi.

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...