Tarot shelves at bookstores are filled with beginner level books. Do we really need so many? Aren’t they all essentially the same?

I think we do need so many and that they are not essentially the same. First, they all differ in terms of voice and presentation. People learn differently and respond better to some styles of communication than to others. Every author has his or her own voice and way of explaining things. Second, not every tarot reader interprets or reads the cards in the same way. By seeing that there are so many different methods and schools of thought, new readers are encouraged to explore until they find what works for them.

This month we will look at eight different books that might be appropriate for beginners. Today’s book is Simple Fortunetelling with Tarot Cards by Corrine Kenner.

This is an excellent larger beginner book. The presentation is perfect: the voice, the layout and design, and the content. It all works together to give the beginner a lot of meat but cut up in smaller, very tasty bites, so that they easily take it in and before they know it, they know a lot!

The book has fortunetelling in the title, but it is not really about old-fashioned tarot reading techniques. At least not entirely. The “how to” parts and most of the interpretations are firmly rooted in contemporary tarot practices. However, she includes charming, historical interpretations as well as traditional keywords, mythic connections, numerical and astrological associations, and timing cues.

For example, in the Three of Cups, we get allusions to the three graces of Greece, Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia; the three Norns (Scandinavian goddesses of destiny); and the Greeks story of the Moirae sisters. There are common sense interpretations: female relatives, female companionship, or a girls’ night out. Reversed, we see another side of the card in petty jealousies, backstabbing, and gossip. And we also get my favorite, the historical meaning: a foretelling of a promotion or advancement for a member of the military. I just find those so interesting, even I don’t get them or use them.

Simple Fortunetelling isn’t really simple. It just makes it feel easy to learn, which is great thing in a beginner book. Lively, smart, clear, and practical. It is the perfect blend of depth and conciseness.

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...