Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Teresa Brady, author of Ignite Your Psychic Intuition: An A to Z Guide to Developing Your Sixth Sense.

There are so many “how-to” and “self-help” materials available proclaiming to hold the secret of intuitive development. Although their promises are noble, just trying to choose among the many offerings requires heightened senses and a sharp gift of discernment!

After spending time analyzing the multitude of techniques available, and distinguishing them within the A – Z framework of my book, Ignite Your Psychic Intuition, I simplified sparking your intuitive abilities into three easy steps: gratitude, openness, and surrender.

  1. Gratitude
    To effortlessly increase intuitive abilities, acquire a spirit of gratitude. Be thankful for everyone and everything in your life. Everything that’s happened molded you into the great person you are today, so be grateful for the good and bad experiences. Feel you gratitude encompass you—feel it inside and out, from your head to your toes! Your “attitude of gratitude” opens your heart, allowing the door of intuition to swing wide open.
  2. Openness
    With an attitude of gratitude, you become aware of the vastness of the universal consciousness and its place in your daily life, opening you to heightened sensitivity. You’ll become more sensitive to internal and external energy

    With internal energy sensitivity, for example, your dreams play a greater role in providing help for life’s problems; you’ll experience more “gut feelings” and a soar in creativity.

    As your openness grows, so will your sensitivity to external energy. External energy is the energy emanating from someone or something else (for example, information present in someone’s aura or information you receive as imprinted energy from an object or a place. As your intuitive perceptions increase, your ability to fine-tune their meaning will increase in accuracy. You’ll receive spiritual nudges to grab opportunities, and at times, warnings to stop you from acting.

  3. Surrender
    When you are grateful and open to internal and external energy, you’ve reached a state of deepened spiritual understanding, abundant in wisdom and love. You begin to understand and accept how powerless you are in the huge scheme of things. You’ve reached a state of true surrender and a crucial point in your intuitive development. 

    True surrender is a complex spiritual metamorphosis, one that moves us away from a state of man-made fear and boundaries, to a spiritual mindset of fearlessness with endless possibilities. Once you’ve reached a state of surrender, you never want to return to a limited, fear-based life.

    Incorporate gratitude, openness, and surrender in your life along with the other tips and tools of Ignite Your Psychic Intuition, and watch good changes begin to unfold for you!

    Our thanks to Teresa for her guest post! For more from Teresa Brady, browse inside her book Ignite Your Psychic Intuition or email her at

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...